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405 Express Lanes

The 405 Express Lanes, open now for two months, are helping tens of thousands of drivers every day speed up their commutes through one of the nation’s busiest stretches of highway.

In its first seven weeks of operation, the 405 Express Lanes recorded 6.3 million transactions, translating to approximately 2 million trips. Because the 14 miles of express lanes have several entrances and exits, and drivers are only charged for the sections they drive, in some cases multiple transactions are recorded per trip.

The 405 Express Lanes opened Dec. 1 as part of a $2.1 billion improvement project that also included a general-purpose lane in each direction on I-405 between Costa Mesa and the border with Los Angeles County.

“The millions of trips already taken underscores the need for these innovative transportation solutions that help keep Orange County moving,” said OCTA Chair Tam Nguyen.

During those first seven weeks, more than 4,100 405 Express Lanes accounts were opened and more than 6,800 transponders issued. Because all toll lanes in California are interoperable, many travelers use existing transponder accounts.

For more information or to sign up for an account, visit

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