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Mobility Aids Program

Mobility Aids Program Mobility Aids Program

The Golden Age Foundation’s (GAF) Mobility Aids Program loans wheelchairs, transporters and walkers to LW residents. The service is free of charge and run by GAF volunteers. The office is located downstairs in Clubhouse 6 and open on weekdays from 9-11a.m.

A request form available at the Mobility Aids office will need to be completed to secure a mobility aid device. Eligible residents who are physically unable to come to the office can have a representative pick up a form for them and bring it back.

Mobility aids are loaned for six months at a time. Residents who anticipate needing a mobility aid for longer than six months should contact the Mobility Aids office to request an extension.

The GAF is always looking for new volunteers, call 562-4319589 and leave a message. For more information, go to www.

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