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Letters to Editor


I was very upset with seeing the recent letter to the editor you chose to publish from Earick Ward (Letters, Jan. 25). I am aware that the LW Weekly edits announcements from the Democratic and Republican club to avoid disparaging and hostile remarks.

Your decision to publish this letter seems to go against your own policy. I cannot understand your rational for publishing a letter filled with hatred and animosity unless this reflects your papers own political viewpoints.

I think the residents deserve to see an apology and a statement of your editorial policy published in the next issue. Unless of course, the letter reflects the editorial policy of the LW Weekly. Bob Cohen Mutual 11 Editor’s Note: See To Our Readers at right for the paper’s editorial policy and procedure related to political expression. Editor: The excellent letter (Jan. 25) from Earick Ward was right about the failures of Biden and his administration to secure our border, allowing millions of illegal migrants, fentanyl and criminals to waltz into our once secure country.

Earick also mentioned the failures of Gov. Newsom who agreed to pay for health care for all illegal migrants in California. But that’s not the only unearned benefit they get. Newsom is wasting our Medi-Cal funds to give 700,000 illegal migrants (access to) free gender transformation surgery.

We seniors have been told for many years that our Social Security and Medicare will run out in the near future. How do you think adding hundreds of thousands or more people using that same minimal pot of money will affect your chance of having it there if and when you need it? Slim to none. Is that a leader you trust to protect you? If not, then remember that in the upcoming election.

Ron Nett Mutual 8 Editor:

How is it possible to reconcile a tenet of supporting family values with the support of a presidential candidate who is a serial adulterer (once taking his wife and his mistress to the same event in Aspen), who was proven a rapist in a civil trial (after the statute of limitations prevented a criminal case), who paid hush money to a porn star with whom he had an affair, and who couldn’t keep his hands off young beauty contestants?

What sort of a family would want to instill that set of values in their children?

Lee Hoyt Mutual 11 Editor:

Wow. Mr. Ward (Letters, Jan. 25) is very loose with his statis-tics; hence, drawing the wrong conclusions. This is a complex and tragic situation that has existed for decades.

These sad folks escaping from situations we can not imagine are apprehended and not permitted to enter the United States. The fear that millions will do us harm is, well, wrong and dangerous. Most, if not all, of them will end up paying taxes, joining the military, going to college, and working in jobs that nobody else cares to do. Giving health care to everyone, regardless of status, is a wonderful idea if you want to avoid plagues, COVID-like pandemics, and reduce the likelihood of contracting other transmissible diseases.

I do not know what sort of republic people think will be destroyed by immigrants, but they would be well-advised to spend time reading the history of America. This country was founded by immigrants.

Jeff Colflesh Mutual 6 Editor:

I read with great interest Earick Ward of Mutual 7’s letter (Jan. 25). In 2016, there was a screaming session during a committee meeting over signs about the election. A few years later a poor grieving widow received a “go back to your own country” letter right after her husband died, and a letter was put on voter’s doorsteps calling Democrats baby killers. Has this become the American way?

The Republican tent near Clubhouse 6 has a sign that insinuates only Republicans love God and back the police, and that they want to control what children are taught in schools. If you don’t learn history, it has a nasty habit of repeating itself. The Holocaust, slavery, and Jim Crow happened. We did take this country from the Native Americans. We did put Japanese Americans in internment camps. The list goes on. But there is just as much good as bad. Teach both.

Mr. Ward says it’s not Kennedy’s Democratic Party. He’s right. It’s also not Bush Sr.’s Republican Party. So, should I then say that the Republican Party of today is full of racists, Nazis, and women- and minority-hating bigots? That’s as stupid as what Mr. Ward wrote.

Why don’t we try and find things we agree on? Or have both sides gone so far down the rabbit hole that it’s not possible?

Homeland Security reports that in 2022 as many visitors overstayed their visas as came across the border. You never hear a word about that. I wonder why?

Carole Damoci Mutual 12 Editor:

As Marley and I walk the area morning and night, we see so many signs for people running for office like congress, supervisor, council and others. These are just big signs hoping people will vote for them based on their name. What are their qualifications?

That’s what happened in Gaza when the Palestinians voted in Hamas, and gave away their autonomy and land.

For each election my partner does the research on candidates for judges, and we vote based on that research.

We also don’t watch noncredible news or candidates that hope the current president will fail. Instead of having a strong economy, it is difficult to see that the stock market is flying high, and groceries are flying high.

Barry Allen Mutual 10 Editor:

I found the political letter by Earick Ward (Jan. 25) to be misleading in a number of important ways.

First, the letter claims there was a budget deficit of $68 billion for 2023. The fact is California had the largest budget surplus of any state ever in 2022. That surplus was $97.5 billion, and Newsom was able to fund health care and education by an additional $32 billion.

The letter also blames undocumented immigrants for the $34 trillion budget deficit. During Trump’s term, he increased the debt by $8.4 trillion, with a $7 trillion tax cut that went mostly to the rich.

Trump was also the first President to lose jobs, -.52%, since Republican Herbert Hoover gave us the Great Depression. In 2023, there were 2.7 million new jobs created.

Democrats want to solve the immigration problem at the border. That’s why they gave Republicans virtually everything they wanted in what would have been the first immigration reform bill in over 40 years, if the Republicans would fund military aid to Ukraine.

Most Republicans, including Mitt Romney, thought the compromise was a good bill. However, Mitch McConnell rejected the solution saying, “We don’t want to do anything to undermine him,” referring to Trump.

So Trump, who cruelly caged immigrants and separated parents from their children, would rather blame Biden for the immigration problem for political purposes than solve the problem.

Dave Silva Mutual 12

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