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Humanist Association

Humanist Association Humanist Association

The Humanist Association is excited to host Phil Zuckerman, internationally known sociologist and author, to speak at its meeting on Sunday, Feb. 4, at 10:30 a.m., in Clubhouse 3, Room 1.

Zuckerman is a professor of sociology and secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. He has also been a guest professor for two years at Aarhus University in Denmark. He is the author of several books, including “Beyond Doubt: The Secularization of Society,” “What it Means to be Moral,” “The Nonreligious,” “Living the Secular Life,” “Faith No More,” and “Society Without God.” His research has also been published in many scholarly journals.

Zuckerman founded the first secular studies department in the nation. He is currently the series editor of the secular studies book series with New York University Press. Zuckerman is also a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times, Psychology Today and the Huffington Post. He lives in Claremont, California with his wife and three children.

Zuckerman will talk about his book, “What it Means to be Moral.” There is strong evidence that not only is religious-based morality inadequate for modern society, but that secular people and societies are more moral than religious ones. This premise is also explored in his 2008 book, “Society Without God,” and is even more true today.

Zuckerman will bring copies of his books to sign and sell.

Phil Zuckerman

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