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election, in a manner consistent ….

election, in a manner consistent with providing and ensuring that the member’s vote will be by “secret ballot.” 7.1.4. Receive secret ballots, which can be mailed in, or hand delivered to the Special Election Meeting prior to poll closing. 7.1.5. Open secret ballots at the special meeting for the purpose of counting ballots. 7.1.6. Count and tabulate all votes. 7.1.7. Determine the results of the election. 7.1.8. Certify, in writing, that the election was held in accordance with this policy and Section 5110 of the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (the Act). 7.1.9. Consult with GRF's legal counsel, if necessary, to fulfill the Inspector(s)’ obligations under the law. 8. OBSERVERS OF THE ELECTION Any candidate or member of the GRF may witness the counting and tabulation of the votes. However, the Inspector(s) of Election may establish reasonable guidelines for candidates and members for the observing of the counting and tabulation of ballots, including guidelines on distance from which observers may stand. 9. BALLOT RETENTION 9.1. The sealed ballots at all times shall be in the custody of the Inspector or Inspectors of election or at a location designated by the inspector or inspectors until the vote tabulation is completed, and until the time allowed by Section 5145 of the Civil Code (twelve months) for challenging the election has expired, at which time custody will be transferred to GRF, or by the Inspector of Election if requested by the GRF Board. 9.2. The ballots shall be stored in a secure place for no less than one year after the date of the election. 10. ACCLAMATION 10.1. In the event the number of candidates at the close of nominations is the same as the number of open positions on the Board, those candidates shall be automatically elected, by acclamation. Pursuant to Civil Code Section 5103, election by acclamation shall be permitted if the following conditions are satisfied: 10.1.1. GRF has held a regular election for the directors in the last three years. The three-year time period shall be calculated from the date ballots were due in the last full election to the start of voting for the proposed election. 10.1.2. GRF provided individual notice of the election and the procedure for nominating the candidate as follows: (1) initial notice at least ninety (90) days before the deadline for submitting nominations which includes (a) the number of board positions that will be filled at the election; (b) the deadline for submitting nominations; (c) the manner in which nominations can be submitted, and (d) a statement informing members that if, at the close of the time period for making nominations, there are the same number or fewer qualified candidates as there are Board positions to be filled, then the Board may seat the qualified candidates by acclamation without balloting; and (2) a reminder notice between seven (7) and thirty (30) days before the deadline for submitting nominations which includes those items listed in the initial notice under (1) above, in addi tion to a list of the names of all of the qualified candidates to fill the Board positions as of the date of the reminder notice. 10.1.3. GRF provides, within seven (7) business days of receiving a nomination: (1) a written or electronic communication acknowledging the nomination to the member who submitted the nomination; and (2) a written or electronic communica tion to the nominee indicating the nominee is qualified for the Board; or the nominee is not qualified and the basis for said disqualification, including procedures by which the nominee may appeal the disqualification. 10.1.4. GRF permits all candidates to run if nominated, except for nominees disqualified for running as allowed or required pursuant to Civil Code Section 5105(b)-(e). To the extent that term limits are enforceable by applicable law, a nominee or director who has served the maximum number of terms or sequential terms allowed in the governing documents may be disqualified. 10.1.5. The Board votes to consider the qualified candidates elected by acclamation at a duly noticed meeting. The meet ing notice shall include an agenda item reflecting the name of each qualified candidate that will be seated by acclamation, if approved at the meeting. Document History Keywords: GRF, Administration Committee, Election, Candidate, Voting, GRF Board.

ADMINISTRATION 30-5093-2 Authorized Resident (AR) Rules of Conduct, Non Compliance with Rules of Conduct—Fines and Penalties

1. PURPOSE The purpose of implementing fines and penalties for non-compliance with Authorized Resident (AR) Rules of Conduct violations listed in 13-5093-1 governing abusive, threatening and harassing behavior toward GRF staff, GRF directors, and GRF-contracted service providers is to: 1.1. Encourage voluntary compliance. 1.2. Enforce the Golden Rain Foundation’s (GRF) obligation to adhere to California and federal mandates protecting workers from experiencing a hostile work environment. 1.3. Penalize violators who do not comply with the Rules of Conduct. 1.4. Protect GRF Trust Property and assets, GRF Staff, GRF Directors, GRF-contracted service providers, Authorized Residents, caregivers and visitors. 2. NON-COMPLIANCE FINES AND PENALTIES For each offense, violators may be subject to one of the fines defined below, and/or one or more of the non-financial penalties.

2.1. Fine Schedule 2.1.1. First Offense $100.00 2.1.2. Second Offense $200.00 2.1.3. Third Offense $500.00 and violators suspension of access to GRF Trust Property amenities usage for 60 days. 2.1.4. Fines and Penalties for further offenses will be subject to the GRF Board of Directors’discretion and dependent upon the severity of the infraction. 2.1.5. Egregious offenses will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and appropriate fines, or penalties will be assessed by Board of Director action, under applicable terms of the California Civil Code.

2.2. Non-Financial Penalties 2.2.1. Suspension of defined Trust property use privileges. 2.2.2. Banning the offender temporarily or permanently from interactions with defined GRF staff members, GRF Directors, or GRF-contracted employers. 2.2.3. Suspension, either temporarily or permanently, of access to GRF contract work, or receiving defined GRF services. 2.3. Legal Action 2.3.1. For infractions that rise to a criminal level as stated in City, State or Federal laws, the appropriate authorities will be notified. 2.3.2. GRF will seek legal action when necessary to protect GRF Trust Property assets, GRF staff, GRF-contracted service providers, GRF directors, and volunteers on Trust Property or while working in Mutuals. 2.3.3. The prevailing party may be entitled to recover reasonable legal costs. Document History Keywords: Rules of Conduct, Fines, Penalty, Authorized Resident (AR).

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