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Tips to Fight the Common Cold

Statistics show that adults get an average two to four colds per year. There may not be a way to avoid getting a cold, but some strategies can potentially lessen its severity.

• Hydrate. Drinking plenty of water and throat-soothing warm liquids like decaffeinated tea with lemon and broth can ease the congestion, and sore or dry throat.

• Gargle with salt water. Gargling with salt water can effectively alleviate pain and swelling of a sore throat. The recommended saltwater gargle is about one teaspoon of salt per cup of warm water.

• Utilize a humidifier. A humidifier can be used to make indoor air more moist and sooth a sore throat.

• Getplentyofrest.Sleephelpstostrengthenthebody’simmune system, making it more effective in fighting off a cold.


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