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Shuffleboard courts to go dark for February

Shuffleboard courts to go dark for February Shuffleboard courts to go dark for February

The shuffleboard courts will be closed in February so that the GRF can begin painting the entire inside and outside of the building and possibly install exhaust fans that will release some of the hot air that accumulates during warmer months.

Shuffleboard Club members will miss being able to play but are happy to pause their activities in exchange for coming back in March to a freshly restored building. This much anticipated work was approved by the GRF at its December board meeting.

Twelve-year veteran club player Sally Fowler exclaimed, “I truly can’t wait to see the results. It’s been a long time in coming. We are all so excited these improvements will finally be made.” Club President Kay Mount added, “I’m so grateful for our GRF’s ongoing support, as they have approved four projects for our courts since I’ve become president.”

Jan. 12 winners: Team Sally surpassed Team Shel winning seven games out of 12. Sally Fowler and Patti Nemnich earned all-game winner status for Team Sally. Team Milly and Team Carol’s matchup was a draw with each team winning six games. Sal LaScala was the all-game winner for Team Milly and Jack O’Brien and Harshad Patel earned that status for Team Carol.

Jan. 16 winners: Team Jack surpassed Team Chandra, winning eight of 12 games played. All-game winners for Team Jack were Sue Burkschab and John Mount. The all-game winner for Team Chandra was Mark Scott. Team Rod edged out Team Elizabeth by winning seven games. Barb Ponegalek and Sally Fowler were all-game winners for Team Rod while Elizabeth Martinez earned the honor for Team Elizabeth.

For more information about the Shuffleboard Club, call Membership Coordinator Patty Peterson at 562-714-7072.

—Barbara Gardner

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