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Optum Health Care Center now requires masks for appointments

Optum Health Care Center now requires masks for appointments Optum Health Care Center now requires masks for appointments


Flu and COVID-19 cases are rising again. As a result, Optum workers have returned to wearing masks in all clinics. Masks offer an extra layer of protection for high-risk patients. Once the transmission of these illnesses declines, Optum will return to optional masking.

To stay safe, people are encouraged to ask their doctor if they’re up to date on their shots. People should get all the shots their doctor suggests, and keep in mind that they may need to take some shots again later.

People can take everyday steps to keep from getting sick. Individuals should stay away from people who are sick; cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing if they feel sick; wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer; and try not to touch their eyes, nose and mouth, as it can encourage the spread of bacteria and viruses.

To track flu and COVID-19 activity, visit

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