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Long-awaited gate access system implemented

Long-awaited gate access system implemented Long-awaited gate access system implemented

Despitesomeanticipatedhiccups, Leisure World’s long-awaited gate access system was fully implemented on Jan. 17, ushering in a new, more modern approach to community security.

The new system will allow GRF Security to track the entry and exit of residents, guests and contractors; be more agile in its adjustments to guest passes; and offer residents more technologically advanced options to manage gate access.

The implementation period, which is still ongoing, was not executed without difficulty.

In the first 10 hours of the program, beginning 7 a.m. on Jan. 17, Security issued a record-breaking 806 visitor passes. At all three gates, over 4,120 entries were recorded—meaning over 400 vehicles entered the community each hour.

“As you can imagine, with such historically large number of entries, there were times where back-ups were significant,” said Security Director Victor Rocha.

Even with the brisk pace of issuing passes, there were times where many vehicles came at once, and just as in the past, the line built up quickly.

The issuance of permanent passes took the longest, with an average time of 45-60 seconds to issue these passes in the visitor lane. There were many questions asked by visitors, which also slowed the process.

Rocha said there was a bright side to long initial wait times: now, when permanent visitors obtain their pass and return to the community, it will only take a quick 5-10 second scan of their pass to verify entry and then they may drive on through.

“We are going to rely on the patience of our residents and visitors as the new passes are issued,” Rocha said. “We have over 10,000 permanent passes still to issue, so delays will be inevitable. However, we are putting revised plans in place to relieve pressure at the Main Gate and to expediate vehicles even more quickly.”

A reminder on the basics of entry for residents and guests: Resident Entry

• A valid RFID tag or valid Leisure World Identification Card is required. (Decals are not valid for entry—they are for Mutual use for carport parking).

• Vehicles with an RFID tag entering the main gate will enter in the “RFID GATE ACCESS

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TAG ONLY” lane.

• Vehicles without an RFID tag will enter the “ALL OTHERS” lane.

Permanent Visitors

• Four permanent visitors are allowed per unit on your account.

• Each guest will receive a pass at the front when entering— permanent visitors will keep that pass for 90 days.

• After 90 days, the next time the permanent visitor arrives, the security officer will check to ensure the permanent visitor is still on the list, and a pass is issued for another 90 days.

• You may delete a permanent visitor at any time by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

• To obtain a caregiver pass, the caregiver must go to the Stock Transfer Office and fill out an application. Once filled out, they will receive a six-month pass when they are added to Proptia and go through the gate for the first time.

Temporary Visitors

• Temporary visitors may receive passes from 1-7 days.

• You may add a temporary visitor by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

All visitors, whether temporary or permanent, can enter the community through any gate.

People can always call in their visitors 24/7, just as they did before, by contacting Security at 562-594-4754.

The barrier arm rises for a truck at St. Andrews Gate on Jan. 17.Paul Kryczko

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