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TAG ONLY” lane.

• Vehicles without an RFID tag will enter the “ALL OTHERS” lane.

Permanent Visitors

• Four permanent visitors are allowed per unit on your account.

• Each guest will receive a pass at the front when entering— permanent visitors will keep that pass for 90 days.

• After 90 days, the next time the permanent visitor arrives, the security officer will check to ensure the permanent visitor is still on the list, and a pass is issued for another 90 days.

• You may delete a permanent visitor at any time by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

• To obtain a caregiver pass, the caregiver must go to the Stock Transfer Office and fill out an application. Once filled out, they will receive a six-month pass when they are added to Proptia and go through the gate for the first time.

Temporary Visitors

• Temporary visitors may receive passes from 1-7 days.

• You may add a temporary visitor by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

All visitors, whether temporary or permanent, can enter the community through any gate.

People can always call in their visitors 24/7, just as they did before, by contacting Security at 562-594-4754.

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