Duplicate Bridge Club
The Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club meets on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays in Clubhouse 1 at 12:30 p.m. Reservations can be made at any game using the signup sheets. Players can call Linda Nye at 562-453-6678 or email her at yuelingnye@yahoo.com no later than 10 a.m. on game day. Arrive by 12:15 to confirm reservations.
Jan. 8 winners (seven tables): Howard Small and Chie Wickham, and Howard Smith and Fred Reker, north/ south; Jeanette Estill and Priscilla Caillouette, and Joyce Basch and Bud Parish, east/west.
Jan. 11 (two tables): Fred Reker and Howard Smith Jan. 12 (five tables): Sibyl Smith and Diane Schmitz, and Carol Murskoshi and LaVonne McQuilkin, north/ south; Shmuel Fisher and Sue Fardette, and Fred Reker and Marilyn McClintock, east/west.
The club congratulates the winners and thanks all the players who participate and support the club.
For complete results, including a list of all players and scores, go to the Long Beach Bridge Center results page at www.acblunit557.org and click on Leisure World Results. For club information contact Howard Small at 516-659-3314 or howard.small@outlook.com. —Sue Fardette