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Cribbage Club meets Tuesdays

The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1 at noon. Refreshments are served from noon-12:15 and anyone arriving by 12:15 is assured a place to play. Games begin at 12:30 with a total of seven games played each week. Yearly dues are $5 and $1 is collected from each player.

Carrie Kistner and Darlene Meyers provided and served everyone a special homemade cake in celebration of both their birthdays. The club thanks them and sends “Happy Birthday” wishes.

Winners of the week include: Howard Bleakley, 842, first place; Mary Holder, 841, second; Jack O’Brien, 834, third; Lynne Sorum, 831, fourth. Suzanne Frank finished with six 121s.

There’s always room for new members. For more information, call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665.

—Mary Holder

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