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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

This week, Community Church continues to walk through the opening passages of the Gospel of Mark with a look at Jesus teaching in the synagogue and astounding those in attendance. This new authority carries over to a man who has an unclean spirit.

In the present day and age of modern medicine, people talk less about unclean spirits or possession but might there be contemporary carry-overs to possession today? Certainly addiction is often described as possession, and there are other contemporary medical and spiritual conditions that could have been considered possession by an unclean spirit in the time of Jesus.

Community Church will look at the new authority that Jesus ushered in with his teachings and his way of living. Community Church is part of the United Methodist Church and members are called to transform the world around them through the love of God for each of person—God’s very good creation.

Community Church meets for worship every Sunday at 9:50 a.m. followed by a time fellowship and light refreshment. People are welcome to arrive early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. The church is located inside Leisure World at 14000 Church Place.

People may also watch the weekly services live on Facebook, @CommunityChurchLeisureWorld, and on Zoom. People can contact the church office for the Zoom link.

Those who are in need without another way to address it may call the church office to leave a message at 562-431-2503.

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