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Bowers Museum Tour

Bowers Museum Tour Bowers Museum Tour

Tickets are available for the upcoming Garden Club tour to the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana on Feb. 29. Tickets are $40 per person, which includes bus transportation, entry to the museum and a docent-led tour.

Museum exhibits include “Gemstone Carving: The Masterworks of Harold van Pelt;” “Miao: Masters of Silver;” “Ancient Arts of China;” and “Ceramics of Western Mexico.” Lunch is not included in the ticket price but the tour will stop at the Olive Garden, where participants can order from the lunch menu.

Tickets can be purchased at the next Garden Club meeting on Feb. 19 at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. People can also call 714-3659367 or 562-446-0056 for further details and to reserve tickets.

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