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LWer helps create beauty for Rose Parade

LWer helps create beauty for Rose Parade LWer helps create beauty for Rose Parade

GRF Board Member Donna Gambol from Mutual 1 spent two days in Pasadena helping to prepare the Rotary International float for the Rose Parade.

“It was a great experience, from cleaning out little tubes and preparing them for roses to clipping the petals off of status to sprinkle on the float. There’s so much detail to this art-form,” said Gambol.

Her tasks during her time volunteering included wrapping support sticks and clipping bits of baby’s breath, and gluing the tops of mums and carnations to the float. Thousands of volunteers work on the floats that are primarily constructed in three large warehouse like facilities until the day of the parade.

Gambol plans to return to volunteer again next year. — Donna Gambol

Donna Gambol spent two days helping volunteers build floats for the Rose Donna Gambol

Floats were constructed in warehouses.

Hundreds of thousands of roses are used in the parade each year to make the floats.

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