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LW Men’s Golf Club

The first Men’s Golf Club tournament of the year was held Jan. 10 at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. Three flights of variously skilled golfers vied for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot circle rewarded) and two closest to the pin challenges.

The course was in good condition save for weedy spots on several greens. Accordingly, it was peculiar that only 18 of the 50 rounds were net at or under par, but there were 43 birdies, and 11 circle hole winners.

The low gross competition was a tie by Mark Rice and Mike (the Kid) Mayfield, followed by Rolando Ramirez and John Kolthoff. Best net score was Darry Holtzen, then a tie between Jack Haskins, Marv Jones and Richard Yokomi. Lowest gross score was also Holtzen at 4 under 50. Closest to the pin on the eighth hole was Ron Steele seven feet six inches, and Jun Um at two feet ten inches on the 17th hole.

All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-5): Tie between Rice, Ramirez and Mayfield, 2 under 52, first place; tie between Dave LaCascia and Kolthoff, 1 under 53, second; Alan Sewell, 1 over 55, third.

B flight winners (handicaps

of 6-13): Richard Yokomi, 4 under 50 first place; Tom Owens, 1 under 53, second; tie between Steve Walker and Bill Long, even par 54, third; tie between John Rudosky and Jun Um, 1 over 55, fourth.

C flight winners (handicaps of 14-18): Holten, 6 under 48, first place; Haskins, 4 under 50, second; Mark Tal, 3 under 51, third; Marv Jones, 1 under 53, fourth; tie between Mike Carlson, Bill Zurn and Jon Russell, even par 54. fifth.

The next men’s tournament will be on Jan. 24 and every secondandfourthWednesdayof each month. The Guys and Gals tournament will take place on Jan. 31. Those who had planned to play and cannot should contact Alan Sewell at 541-324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at 801-6745975 as soon as possible. Arrive 15 minutes prior to tee time.

—Dave LaCascia

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