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LW Genealogy Club

The regular monthly meeting of the LW Genealogy Club is scheduled for Jan. 24 at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. This is the annual Bingo Game Day—lots of fun is guaranteed and possibly new genealogy terminology will be learned. Come join the fun and bring items to use for prizes—it’s a great way to unload those unwanted gifts or do some after-Christmas cleaning.

Resolve to get more involved in the club this year. The club is only as strong as the members make it. The members who stepped up in 2023 to do Theme Thursdays have brought some great new ideas to the library which have been enjoyed. To keep the library, it must keep increasing the number of people using it. To do this, volunteers and backup volunteers are needed to open and staff the library each week. The library will be closed on Sundays until there is a new volunteer. The library is currently open: Monday-Thursday, 1-4 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; closed Friday and Sunday.

It’s time to renew membership for the year. There are white slips in the library for returning members. Fill in the contact information so information is current and correct. The cost for 2024 dues has gone up to $15 for the year to help cover rising expenses. The membership funds the library, library subscriptions to Ancestry, Fold3, Newspapers, monthly speakers, supplies for the coffee hour each month and for the summer picnic.

There are some changes in the calendar this year. The annual summer picnic will be in June. Due to low attendance in the summer, there will be no club meetings in July and August. The library will be open as usual during the summer as long as there are volunteers to keep it open. Club meetings will resume in September after the summer break.

Theme Thursdays: 1:30-2ish in the library (mini learning sessions and/or discussions.)

Jan 18: Richard Dean: Settlements in Western Virginia, Forts, Indian Raids and more - George Washington may also come up.

Jan 25: Researching with Liz and Janet for the “Most Wanted.” Consider coming in and talk about making a presentation on Theme Thursdays.

Anyone seeking a lost ancestor may submit his or her information for future newsletters. Club members love to hear about genealogy discoveries, family stories and see old family photos. Submit newsletter articles or photos to —Mary M Romero

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