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First Christian Church

First Christian Church First Christian Church

First Christian Church of Leisure World teaches from God’s word, the Holy Bible, verse by verse. It is a friendly church that welcomes all visitors to join in worship and explore God’s word together, “That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” Romans 1:1.

Pastor’s Message

When people ask, “Why am I here?” a great answer is, “Because you are a part of Gods magnificent plan for His children.” Pastor Bruce Humes’ message this week will show how there are many example throughout scripture of God’s plans for his people.

God gives directives for people to accomplish certain tasks and only afterward can it be seen that God was working on a magnificent outcome. Only God knows the all details beforehand.

In Genesis 24:32-52, Abraham’s obedient servant had been tasked to go and find a wife for his son Isaac. It was required that the wife come from Abraham’s ancestral people. The servant follows the instruction and because his prayer was specific regarding this matter, he was quickly successful. A woman appears by the water where the servant had prayed.

The woman’s name was Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bore to him. Rebekah takes the servant to her family and shows a great display of hospitality to the servant and those traveling with him by inviting them all to eat.

Before eating, the servant asks to recount the purpose of his visit. Upon explaining that Rebekah was the fulfillment of a prayer, the father said, “This matter comes from the Lord, here is Rebekah, take her and go, and let her be the wife of your master’s son.”

Contained within this story is the very reason for the specifics of the instructions given to the servant. When all is revealed, an incredible picture of the triune Godhead and God’s establishment of His church is shown. Abraham and Isaac are a picture of the father, and his son Jesus, and the servant represents the Holy Spirit. Rebekah being the bride for the son is a picture of God’s church, the called-out ones, who one day will be the bride of Christ.

Weekend Services

Sunday services, held from 9:30-10:45 a.m., are traditional with hymnal music led by Janet Ray with Pat Kogak at the piano. This week, Ray will sing special music.

Saturday services are held from 9:30-10:45 a.m. and feature contemporary songs of worship led by Gregory Black with guitar and vocal accompaniment.

Midweek Studies

Mellie Herrera leads the Women’s Bible study on Mon-

days from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Pastor Gary Whitlach leds the Tuesday Bible study from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Pastor Humes leads the Thursday morning Bible study from 10:30-11:30.

Pastor Humes also leads prayer and Bible study every Friday from 6-7 p.m.

All Leisure World residents are welcome to attend any of the services and Bible studies.

Scripture of the Week

“A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken,” Proberbs 15:13.


First Christian Church is located on Northwood Road behind Carport 125. For more information, call 562-431-8810 and leave a message.

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