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Emergency Information Council sets agenda for the new year

Emergency Information Council sets agenda for the new year Emergency Information Council sets agenda for the new year

The Emergency Information Council (EIC) met on Jan. 11 to kick off the new year by planning activities to promote emergency preparedness in the community.

Twenty-one members representing 11 mutuals attended both in person and virtually. The group decided to regularly host meetings with speakers who can educate LW residents on topics such as managing medicines, pets, medical equipment and power outages associated with a disaster.

As an activity, the EIC decided to provide to residents a document scanning service periodically throughout the year for the purpose of copying one’s most critical documents on a USB drive ( also called a “thumb” or memory stick). Vital documents include birth certificates, wills, owners certificates or any other document that one might need to access after a disaster. A USB drive can be kept in one’s emergency grab-and-go bag and be used to access the most essential personal information.

Those interested in getting involved in EIC activities are welcomed to join and share related ideas. Contact EIC President Jackie Dunagan at —Nick Massetti

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