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Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore Church

Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore Church Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore Church

On Sunday, Jan. 7, the congregations of Redeemer Lutheran Church and St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church celebrates the Epiphany. They will conclude a six-part series focusing on the earliest days of Jesus, beginning with his miraculous conception and following the biblical witness of his infancy and childhood until he was 12 years old. The 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion worship service gathers at 13564 St. Andrews Drive in Leisure World. All are welcome.

The sermon message will be “A Refugee King” delivered by the Rev. Murray D. Finck, Bishop Emeritus of the Pacifica Synod. As always, food donations of canned and boxed foods for the hungry will be collected.

The first Sunday in January is officially the Baptism of Our Lord but the Epiphany of Our Lord will be celebrated. At Christmas Jesus was presented to the lowly in the presence of the shepherds. Last Sunday Jesus was presented to the Jewish people in the Temple and through Simeon and Anna. This week Jesus will be presented to the world and the powerful in the Magi and the knowledge of King Herod. Each group reacted differently. Much of their reaction was based on who they were. The shepherds reacted with fear and then with excitement. Simeon and Anna reacted with joy, completion, and the need to proclaim it to others. The Magi reacted with joy and humbleness. King Herod reacted with jealousy and fear.

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