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New speed cushions slow vehicles’ pace

New speed cushions slow vehicles’ pace New speed cushions slow vehicles’ pace


by Nick Massetti

GRF Director

The first set of speed cushions has been installed on northbound Del Monte Drive near Sunningdale Road. They immediately set about their job of slowing traffic flow to improve pedestrian and driver safety. These devices are designed as small, raised traffic-calming devices similar to a speed bump but with channels spaced so that a fire engine can straddle them. By straddling the cushion, the fire engine is minimally impacted by the cushion and can maintain speed while traveling to an emergency. Normal vehicles have less space between their wheels and so they cannot avoid going over the bumps, and the word cushion does not describe the resulting experience.

Speed cushions allow emer - gency vehicles to maintain speed. Getting this first speed cushion actually onto the pavement was a long road in itself. The proposal first came up at the September 2021 GRF Security Bus and Transportation Committee.

Then in January 2022, the GRF Board of Directors approved an expenditure to have a traffic engineering firm study the feasibility and do the design work.

The GRF Security Department had decided on the initial locations for the devices. At its September 2022 meeting, the GRF Board approved a bid to install five speed cushions meeting the design specifications. However, after a long series of delays by the contractor, they disclosed they had mistakenly underestimated the device cost and would only be able to provide a single speed cushion for the approved amount.

Eager to see at least one of the devices in action, the GRF Board approved a change order in September 2023—that now has resulted in the first of these traffic calming devices actually being put to work in the community.

This addition to Leisure World comes closely on the heels of the installation of three radar speed signs. Together, they will hopefully encourage drivers to observe the community-wide 25 mph speed limit.

Pedestrian safety, as well as driver safety while entering and exiting vehicles parked along the roads, will be the primary benefit provided.

Expect more to be added until observing the community speed limit becomes the norm and not the exception.

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