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love a little coat. ….

love a little coat. No such luck. She was inclined to snap when not in agreement with plans, so coats were out. But she did reluctantly wear a knitted scarf while always giving me that “how is a girl supposed to walk with this thing around my neck?” look so we abandoned that plan.

When we moved to LW, we just told the stylish dressed dogs of LW that she didn’t like sweaters, but I had a little mother’s guilt about it.

She passed away in 2023, and I got another rescue dog, small, and I had hopes for her.

I ordered a red and black vest for myself for the holidays and on the same page, they had a similar coat for a dog at a bargain price. Who could resist?

The tree lighting was on the holiday agenda, so I dressed my dog and myself in matching outfits and off we went.

She is mostly blind, so she was a little overwhelmed with all the people, but we quickly got a photo in Santa’s chair, grabbed a delicious cookie and headed for home.

I removed our matching outfits, and my little dog headed for her bed and remained there all evening, wanting nothing to do with me.

Now this is a dog that has a built-in homing device and can find a vacant lap anywhere, so this was very unusual.

With due consideration the next day, I was forced to conclude that my ill-fated career as a dog-dresser was over.

So please, don’t give me “that look” when you see her with just her fur on in cold weather.

I tried and I failed.

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