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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

On Dec. 27, with big smiles while rocking to the beat, Sherlene Wallis and Elizabeth Butterfield, sang “And The Beat Goes On.”

Vinny Correnti enjoys singing at Wednesday night karaoke along with his troop of good friends.

Walter and Sue Piippo also did a peppy duet, “Stuck in the Middle With You.” Some smooth sounding ballads were sung by Ren Villaneauva, Donald Horning ,Tony Tupas and Wayne Urban. In the theme for the new year, Mariza Joaquin sang a lovely “That’s What Friends Are For.”

Julie Nulad, Barbie May and Erika Greenwood delivered other fine tunes depicting friendship. The final question, “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” was well done by Karen Morris. To close out the evening, the remaining folks belted out “Auld Lang Syne.” Audience members returned home feeling happy while humming a favorite tune.

Karaoke nights are held each Wednesday evening in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 5:30. A small group practices a variety of selections each Monday in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

—Margie Thompson

Vinny Correnti

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