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Straley’s 847 earns another star


The Cribbage Club meets each Tuesday at noon in Clubhouse 1. Refreshments are served from noon-12:15 p.m. and anyone arriving by 12:15 is assured a place to play. Games begin at 12:30.

The club celebrated Christmas by providing a luncheon for all the members. Sharon Rutigliano and Margaret Smith served everyone. Melinda Cowan and Lynne Sorum provided mixed nuts and assorted candies. The club offers a special thank you to those ladies.

The winners for the week were: Bobbie Straley, with a perfect score of 847 and earning her another star, first place; Susan Dodson, 845, second; Gene Smith, 837, third; Lynne Sorum and Potsy Frank, 830, fourth.

For more information, call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665. — Mary Holder

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