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GAF releases quarterly report

GAF releases quarterly report GAF releases quarterly report

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) would like to thank the LW community for its continued support and generosity, especially in signing up for the Ralphs Community Rewards program.

Ralphs Community Rewards links shoppers rewards cards to the nonprofit of their choice and makes a small donation every time they shop at no extra cost. Residents who have signed up for the community rewards program through the GAF help the nonprofit earn revenue.

The GAF just received a report from Ralphs Community Reward program that 412 residents shopped from September to November, bringing $1,464.15 to the GAF. It is the highest num ber of shoppers years since the GAF began this program in 2024.

The GAF thanks everyone registered with their Ralphs memberships and also board members Cheryl Falconer, Beth Greeley, Diana Lambert, Shery Wells and Anna Derby who helped sign people up every Wednesday. The sign-up program will resume in Clubhouse 6 from 9-11 a.m. on Jan. 17.

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