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Friends of the Library Closure

Friends of the Library Closure Friends of the Library Closure

As the Friends of the Library (FOTL) Bookstore and Boutique closes its doors for refurbishing and closes out 2023, the Friends want residents to know how profoundly grateful it is for their contributions to, and patronage, of the Bookstore. With residents’ help, the FOTL has been able to make record-setting donations to the LW Main Library and has in motion an extremely successful sort of recycling system that benefits all of the residents of LW.

The FOTL Bookstore is closed for renovations will re-open sometime in February. The FOTL is grateful for everyone’s cooperation in holding their donations. The group’s crew of helpful and congenial volunteers will enjoy the time off. The FOTL is grateful and fortunate to have so many hardworking and dependable people who keep the book store humming. There are more than 30 volunteers on the roster, many of whom work every week, and their dedication is commendable.

—Patricia Kruger

Volunteer Marilyn Kane

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