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Bill Clawson wins Dec. 16 Casino Tournament

Bill Clawson wins Dec. 16 Casino Tournament Bill Clawson wins Dec. 16 Casino Tournament


On Dec. 16, six tables of eight players gathered for the semiannual Casino Tournament, making for an exciting afternoon and a wonderful way to end a great year of poker. A continental breakfast was served at 10 a.m., and the tournament started at 10:30.

Unlike regular Saturday tournaments, there was not a winner for each table. In the casino format, as soon as there are only five players left at a table, the table is broken, and the remaining players dispersed to other tables. Players did their best to stay in the tournament since only eight would play at the final table.

The final table players were: Bill Clawson, first place, Renato Villanueva, second; Donna Hernandez, third; Brent Covington, fourth; Roy Mittlestad, fifth; Kurt Bourhenne, sixth; Marvin Rolnick, seventh; and Joyce Smith, eighth.

At the final table, play continued until Clawson, holding A-6 and Villanueva, holding 4-Q, were heads up. The flop came J-K-8 and Villanueva went all in and was quickly called by Clawson. The turn and the river cards were both deuces which didn’t challenge Clawson’s winning ace.

Clawson has lived in Leisure World for many years and has been a member of the club for just about all of them. This win makes it Clawson’s fourth tournament win during his time in the club. Clawson is also a member of the billiards club.

The club congratulates Clawson and all the final table players for a good game. The club thanks all the members who participated.

Those who would like to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em should make plans to play on the first three Saturdays of each month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6. Arrive at 10 a.m. for coffee and registration. Those who are new to the club should arrive early to get registered and be seated, as the game starts at 10:30 and there is no late seating.

For more information, call Debbie Barner at 325-721-0687. — Debbie Barner

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