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Tips to prepare for rainy season


With the rainy season just around the corner, the City of Seal Beach Marine Safety Department, Public Works Department, Orange County Fire Authority, and police department will monitor conditions throughout the winter months and respond appropriately as issues arise.

Residents are encouraged to monitor the weather and take steps to protect themselves and their property.

• Have pre-filled sandbags available for immediate use.

• Ifpossible,parkinacarportratherthanthestreet,toprotect the engine and electronics.

• Wait to drive in flooded areas until floodwaters recede. Driving on flooded streets causes wakes to form (even at low speeds) and pushes water up onto parked cars.

• Monitor the Seal Beach Police Department’s social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for information updates.

• If fallen trees or tree branches are observed, call LW Security at 562-594-4754 or the Seal Beach police department non-emergency line at 562-594-7232.

The City of Seal Beach and OCFA have established multiple locations where residents can pick up complimentary sand and empty sandbags.

• Eighth Street Beach Parking Lot—800 Ocean Ave.

• Fire Station 44—Eighth Street and Central Avenue

• FireStation48—3131NorthgateRoad(atthe405freeway)

• Arbor Park—4665 Lampson Ave.

• Marina Park—First Street and Marina Drive To receive real-time updates, the SBPD encourages people to sign up for AlertOC, a mass notification system, at AlertOC. com or for Nixle Alerts at or texting a zip code to 888777.

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