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far below the $2 million ….

far below the $2 million jump GRF was finally quoted. Both Mutual and GRF boards are considering options to accommodate this shock to the system.

As GRF works through the financial burden this will cause, it might help to know what is to blame. After all, Leisure World hasn’t had any forest fires, tornadoes or floods lately. GRF sees traffic accidents, along with a steady diet of trip-and-fall claims. People get hurt and they find the deepest nearby pockets to sue; often that’s GRF.

But mostly it has been the statewide calamities that have spooked the insurance carriers. Now, if GRF wants them to insure this community going forward, it must pay the going price. Anticipate further information will be shared in the coming weeks as GRF staff and board members develop their responses.

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