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Fake package and IRS scams tend to escalate during the holiday season


The holiday season is an exciting time for many families. Don’t let scams, theft and fraud steal the joy. Before making a purchase or donation, be prepared to identify questionable activity to avoid becoming a victim. Don’t let these common scams ruin your holidays: Spam phone calls and text messages: From robocalls to text messages, scammers are able to contact you around the clock. Some common scams are the fake package-delivery notification and updates, where scammers will try to convince recipients that they need to share personal information to “confirm” a purchase or pay more for delivery of a package.

IRS tax scams: Scammers try to trick victims by claiming they are the IRS and can take payment with gift cards or wire transfers.

Fraudulent lotteries, sweepstakes, and giveaways: Scammers ask for payment and personal information for a “FREE” prize that you never signed up for. They often ask you to pay by wire transfer or with a gift card. These are red flags for scam.

All phone and text scams are targeting your money and your personal information.

Delete suspicious texts and ignore calls from unknown phone numbers.

Phishing Emails: Scammers use emails that look like they come from actual retailers. Never click on a link or open an attachment from suspicious emails or send over any payment. Phishing emails are designed to steal your personal information. Shop through safe, reputable, and encrypted websites.

Gift card scams: Before you purchase a gift card, make sure it hasn’t been tampered with and don’t share the number with anyone. Scammers will often write down the numbers and PIN activation codes of several cards so they can steal the money once activated by unsuspecting victims. Encourage the gift card recipient to keep their card safe, track purchases using the secure gift card’s website or calling the customer service number. Or consider giving the gift that works at every retailer: cash.

Popular toys and gifts sold from a suspicious outlet: Scammers will list the most hard-tofind items this holiday season on social media platforms, online classified websites, and even create fake online stores with no intention to ever deliver the products because they don’t have them. Make sure you research the seller, shop around at reputable businesses, and pay by credit card so you can dispute the charge later if needed.

Donation scams: The holidays are a great opportunity to donate money to non-profit organizations and charities. Before donating, verify that the organization is reputable and always ask for a receipt for your records.

Purchase add-ons: Read and understand contracts thoroughly before signing them. Think over warranties to see if it is worth the extra cost before signing up.

Don’t feel pressured by sales associates and deals. Shop with a plan and take the time to think about it if you’re unsure.

—from the L.A. County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs

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