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Wa-Rite reflects on yearly goals and sets new resolutions

Wa-Rite reflects on yearly goals and sets new resolutions Wa-Rite reflects on yearly goals and sets new resolutions

Female LW residents looking for support in losing weight as part of their New Year’s resolution are invited to Wa-Rite meetings on Friday mornings from 9-10 beginning Dec. 29 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weighins are from 8:15-8:45 a.m. and are optional for visitors, who should arrive no later than 8:45.

Wa-Rite offers friendships, fun contests with prizes and crowns, weekly swap meet tables, parties with singing, informational presentations and occasional funny money auctions.

The club stands together in supporting its members health and celebrating every little victory that gets them closer to achieving their weight loss goals.

On Dec. 1, the club acknowledged Ellen Lars, the queen of December, who managed to get through November, including Thanksgiving, with a 2-pound weight loss. Henrietta Peevy started off strong by losing 4 pounds over the two-week period. She was awarded a top loser title for the month of December. Other members mentioned for their achievements were degree holders Linda Rich and Denise Stabile, and new member Jan Friedman.

—Denise Stabile

A degree holder in weight loss Denise Stabile (l-r), December's top loser Henrietta Peevy and queen of December Ellen Larsen.

Wa-Rite's new member Jan Friedman (l-r) and weight loss degree holder Linda Rich.

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