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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

Attorney Sandy Skahen will present a speech titled “What Everyone Needs to Know about TODD, Who May Become Your New Best Friend,” on Friday, Dec. 1 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m. for the Sunshine Club.

Anyone over the age of 18 needs to have estate documents in place that can spring into effect upon an accident or illness.

Skahen present an overview of why the power of attorney, the advance health care directive and a will are all necessary documents.

Whether a person needs a trust or whether a transfer deed will suffice in lieu of a trust is the main topic of this presentation. Transfer deeds, known by the acronym TODD, are a faster, less expensive, alternative to the trust that can save an estate from probate.

After attending this talk, residents will understand what they need for their estate plans and how they can prepare plans economically.

Skahen is a staff attorney in Community Legal Aid SoCal’s (CLA SoCal) Seniors Unit. She received her J.D. in 2002 from Chapman University Fowler School of Law. She completed an LL.M. in Taxation and decided that she wanted to practice elder law because she was interested in family succession issues. She was a clinical professor of law teaching at the Alona Cortese Elder Law Clinic at Chapman until 2022. At CLA SoCal, Skahen enjoys the wider outreach practicing in the Seniors Unit and has a special interest in the estate planning challenges facing families of the mentally ill and developmentally disabled.

Community Legal Aid So-Cal (CLA SoCal) was founded in 1958 in Orange County, California. In 1984, CLA SoCal expanded to serve the communities in southeast Los Angeles County. It is the largest provider of free legal services in Orange County and the only legal aid organization with offices in southeast Los Angeles County (Compton and Norwalk). Its mission is to fight injustice and advocate for social, economic and racial equity by providing compassionate, holistic and impactful legal services.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, call Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

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