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Scramble ready for first 54 players on Dec. 6

Scramble ready for first 54 players on Dec. 6 Scramble ready for first 54 players on Dec. 6


There will be a 54-person scramble/shotgun on Dec. 6 at 7:30 a.m. This is the third time this has been undertaken and has been enjoyed by everyone. Those who would like to play should call Steve Moody at 424-213-3002 or 562-421-1976 prior to Dec. 5.

The first Guys and Gals Tournament of November was played on the 15th at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. The weather projections were for rain and clouds most of the morning. Rain held off until the first group finished 18 holes and then came the rain and a couple of claps of thunder, which cancelled the session.

Teams of variously skilled golfers of one man and one woman vied for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus two circle holes (shots within a 5-foot radius are rewarded), and two closest to the pin challenges. A total of 23 teams (46 players) were able to complete the 18 holes. Fairways are in good condition with a few new wet spots, and the greens, recently punched and aerated, are not yet back to good condition. The tee boxes are still damp, but there is seed in the divot fix bottles.

Overall scores were very good with 20 of 23 rounds net at or under par. Low net score for the round was by Marv Jones and Marilyn Hewitt at 11 under 43. There were 13 rounds at net 50 or below.

All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-8): tie between Young and Hae Lee, and Dong and Devora Kim, first place; Won and Jane Song, second; Glenn Barry and Karen Mendon, third; Bruce Bowles and Linda Herman, fourth.

B flight winners (handicaps of 9-12): Dennis McMonigle and Bert Thompson, first place; tie between Dave LaCascia and Liz Meripol, and James Farr and Sandy Derouin, second; tie between John Kolthoff and Elizabeth Butterfield, and Dale Williamson and Susie Kim, third.

C flight winners (handicaps of 12-18): Marv Jones and Marilyn Hewitt, first place; Lee Broadbent and Joann Lim, second; Tom Owens and Ann Tran, third.

Closest to the pin for the men on the 8th and 16th holes was Steve Walker and Dave LaCascia respectively, and for the ladies, Bert Thompson and Devora Kim. The lowest gross scores were by Dong and Devora at 5 under 49, followed by Young and Hae at 2 under 52, and Bruce and Linda at even par 54. There were eight circle hole winners and 35 birdies.

The men’s tournament is played every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Those who had planned to play in any tournament and cannot should contact Scott Tuchfarber at 909-684-0426, or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

—Dave LaCascia

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