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New officers to be introduced at pizza dinner


The Leisure World Seal Beach Table Tennis Club elected new officers for 2024 during a meeting held on Nov. 11. Assuming their roles in January will be Hankin Le as president; Don Nguyen, vice president; Nhi Nghiem, treasurer; T.V. Tran, secretary.

To celebrate this transition, the club has organized a dinner gathering scheduled from 5-10 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 9, at the Hospitality Center in Clubhouse 6. Club members can enjoy pizza and beverages provided by the club.

During the event, K.C. Park, the current president, will introduce the newly elected officers to the club members. Additionally, he will provide a comprehensive review of the club’s accomplishments throughout the year.

For club information, contact club president K.C. Park at park.keechul@sbcglobal. net. —K.C. Park

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