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LW Women’s Golf Club

LW Women’s Golf Club LW Women’s Golf Club

The next general meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. This is the annual holiday luncheon. Turkey Shoot winners will be announced and point money will be distributed.

Last week’s tournament, the second and final week of the Turkey Shoot, had 35 women golfers participating. The women played for low gross, low net and putts.

A flight winners: Low gross: Linda Herman, 29, with 11 putts; low net: Jessica Choi and Veronica Chang, 26.

B flight winners: Low gross: Jane Song and Nancy Reid, 28. Reid had 12 putts. Low net: Karen Mendon, 24.

C flight winners: Low gross: Sue Yokomi and Kay Hong, 35; low gross: Sanghi Kim, 26, with 13 putts.

D flight winners: Low gross: Liz Meripol and Neva Senske, 38; low net: Joyce Basch, 27. Patti Smith had 13 putts.

Anyone interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information.

—Liz Meripol

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