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LW Orchestra Free Holiday Concert

LW Orchestra Free Holiday Concert LW Orchestra Free Holiday Concert

The Leisure World Community Orchestra will host its free annual holiday concert on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse 4. All are welcome to attend. People are encourged to arrive early as seating may be limited. The 40-plus-piece orchestra has been rehearsing twice a week since September under the direction of Dr. Samuel Kim.

Music will include “Light Cavalry Overture,” Haydn’s “Toy Symphony,” the second movemenet of Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony,” “Festive Sounds of Hanukkah,” “Sleigh Ride,” “Christmas Favorites,” “Farandole” from Bizet’s “L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2” and “A Carol Festival” directed as a sing-a-long by new Assistant Conductor Linda DeRungs.

The choir from the Leisure World Korean Community Church will perform “For Unto Us a Child is Born” and “Hallelujah Chorus,” both from Handel’s “Messiah.”

Light refreshments will be served after the show. The orchestra always welcomes new members. For more information, email

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