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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The SBLW Democratic Club’s will meet today, Nov. 30, in Clubhouse 3, room 9 at 1 p.m. California Sen. Dave Min will attend this meeting in person. Members and supporters can join the meeting online or by phone. To receive the For Zoom meeting login information, email sblwdemocraticclub@

Last weekend, Min received the official endorsement of the Democratic Party for election to Congress for LW’s District 47. Min and community activist Joanna Weiss will be the principal Democrats running to represent Leisure World’s district in congress to appear on the primary ballot. Their best-known Republican challenger will be former California State Legislator Scott Baugh. The top two vote-getters in this contest will go on to run against each other in the November General Election.

This race in California’s 47th District is expected to be highly competitive as it is a slightly “blue” suburban district with no incumbent. Both House Democrats and Republicans have listed winning the district among their highest-priorities in 2024. President Joe Biden won the district with 54.5% of the vote in the 2020 presidential election.

During the party’s convention on Nov. 17-18, none of the three major candidates running for the U.S. Senate were able to secure the number of votes necessary for endorsement.

Barbara Lee received 41.5% of the votes cast. Adam Schiff was a close second with 40.18%. Katie Porter finished third with just over 16%. Lexi Reese, a fourth candidate, only received three votes.

An endorsement from the Democratic party can boost a campaign in what looks to be a very competitive 2024 primary. However, it has not always been a signal as to how the wider electorate will vote.

Potential LW voters braved the threat of a heavy rain to attend the club’s November Voter Education session. They were treated to a lively discussion about how to evaluate judges who will appear on the March ballot. Attorney Theresa Danton, who hopes to move into Leisure World someday, covered a wide range of topics. She also provided participants with a voters guide to Judicial Elections. A copy of the guide will be available on the Advocacy Table at the November club membership meeting.

There will be no Democratic Club membership meeting or Voter Education Session in December. In its place, several of the Neighbor to Neighbor Get Out the Vote 2024 coordinators are planning to hold smaller social events in their respective Mutuals.

The LW Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter. Everything appearing in these press releases and our semi-monthly newsletters has been fact checked to the fullest extent possible.

All LW Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter by emailing

Include complete contact information, including party registration, in the request.

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