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Cribbage Club meets Tuesdays

Cribbage Club meets Tuesdays Cribbage Club meets Tuesdays

The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday at noon in Clubhouse 1. Yearly dues are $5 and a $1 fee is collected each week to play. Members arriving by 12:15 are assured a place to play. Refreshments are served noon to 12:15 with club announcements at 12:25. Play begins at 12:30. Seven games are played.

In celebration of Thanksgiving, last week a variety of pies was provided by the club. Serving the refreshments was Margaret Smith and Carrie Kistner.

Congratulations to first place winner Donna Gambol for winning her first star with a perfect score of 847; Hoppy Hopkins, 835, second; Gene Smith, 833, third; Bobbie Straley, 828, fourth.

New members are always welcome. For club information, contact Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665.

—Mary Holder

Cribbage Club officers Marilyn Chelsvig (l-r), Margaret Smith, Gene Smith, Mary Holder and Julie Milburn.

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