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Volunteers create 100 gift baskets for residents

Volunteers create 100 gift baskets for residents Volunteers create 100 gift baskets for residents


More than at any other time of the year, people feel the need to stay connected to friends and family around the winter holidays. This week, Pathways and the Golden Age Foundaiton (GAF) worked together to give 100 residents holiday baskets filled with treats.

Pathways and the GAF believe it’s important for everyone to know that they are being thought of and cared for, especially during the holidays.

Once those 100 gift baskets were completed by Pathways volunteers and employees, the GAF volunteers hauled them to their cars and golf carts to deliver them to recipients’ units. The task was truly a team effort.

If you, or anyone you know in Leisure World, could use a helpful hand or assistance in getting connected to resources to help them stay independent in their home, call Pathways at 562-531-3031.

Pathways is also looking for volunteers who would like to connect with other people living in Leisure World and provide a helping hand.

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