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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

On Nov. 9, the club’s guest presenter Siegfried “Ziggy” Romano began his program by showing the shadow-themed photos that were sent in by members.

He divided them into categories demonstrating the following characteristics: silhouette, revealing nature, contrast and shadow as focus of the photo. With several of the photos he applied editing features to enhance the image’s impact, interacting with club members for feedback and suggestions.

After reviewing the submitted photos, Romano introduced an app call Snapseed and reviewed some of the features that could be used to enhance members’ photographs.

The annual election for officers was held. The club’s new officers are President Regine Schumacher, Vice President Roger Bennett, Treasurer Sue Ann Gass and Secretary Esther Cummings.

The Photo Arts Club will hold a holiday party at the club’s regular meeting time on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. Lunch will be provided.

The photos taken on the club’s field trip to Sherman Gardens will be shown at that party, so members should email three of their best photos at least three days prior to the party to Ben Benjamins at

The photo assignment for January will be “reflections.” Mirrors, glass, shiny objects and reflections in puddles can be used.

For information about the club, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

—Regine Schumacher

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