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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

All LW residents are invited to Community Church’s annual Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 1-2 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The event will include hand-crafted items, home-baked goods, cards, Grandma’s Attic and a “bowl and a roll” lunch in a fun and festive environment.

Community Church is halfway through Advent and its focus on preparing for the birth of Jesus.

The Gospel of Mark speaks of a time after great suffering when the sun will be darkened and there will be a lunar eclipse. What then does it mean for believers to live with “heaven in God’s hands” today? Pastor Johan Dodge and Community Church will wrestle with this and other questions Sunday, Nov. 26, beginning at 9:50 a.m.

Those who want to belong to something that is life-giving, creative and empowering are invited to join Community Church’s Sunday service. All are welcome at Community Church.

Each Sunday worship service is followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshment. People are invited to come early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. Community Church is located inside Leisure World near the St. Andrew’s Gate at 14000 Church Place.

People may also join the service via livestream on Facebook at @CommunityChurchLeisure-World

and on Zoom. People should contact the church office for the Zoom link.

As always, those who are in need without another way to address it may call the church office to leave a message at 562431-2503

Crafting party participants meet weekly to create crafts to sell at the Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 1 and 2

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