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Art League announces November competition winners

Art League announces November competition winners Art League announces November competition winners

The LW Art League held its monthly meeting on Nov. 14 in Clubhouse 4. The guest demonstration artist and judge was Lake Arrowhead artist Helga Batman-Koplin.

Carmen Leslie won the best of show award; JoAnn Rossi won the popular vote award. In the masters category, Alice Sioson won first place; Carol Levine, second place; and Marilyn Jonas, third place.

In the intermediate/advanced category, Terese Smith won first place; Bobbie Turudic, second; Daniel Prosek, third; and Marion Higgins, honorable mention. In the 3D/craft category, Alice Sioson won first place; Allyn Constant, second; and Linda Frysinger, third.

There is no meeting in December so the last event for the Art League in 2023 is the “Spotlight On The Artist” on Saturday, Nov. 25.

The featured artist is ceramics artist and teacher Ramayana “RB” Baba. Everyone is welcome to attend this event and admire RB’s collection of ceramics.

—Larry Sioson

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