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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

Dr. Regina Lark, founder of A Clear Path, will speak at the Sunshine Club on Friday, Nov. 17, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Lark is an organizing and productivity specialist based in Los Angeles. In 2008 she founded A Clear Path, followed by Silk Touch Moves, and recently, Speaking of Clutter.

Lark and her organizers provide professional physical, emotional and psychological support for people who want to clear clutter and chaos from their lives. She is a board certifi ed professional organizer with additional certifications in ADHD, chronic disorganization and hoarding disorders. Lark is a graduate of the Organizer Coach Foundation Training Program, and serves as a member director of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals.

Lark is a frequent speaker and educator on topics ranging from women’s leadership, emotional labor, time management, productivity, hoarding and ADHD.

All residents are welcome to join the meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

People are asked to arrive on time. Those who arrive late are asked to quietly use the back door to avoid disturbing the presentation.

The Sunshine Club will not meet next week to give members the opportunity to celebrate the Thanksgiving with family. The club will resume meeting on Friday, Dec. 1, with Sandy Shaken from the Community Legal Aid SoCal.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-3015339.

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