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October Security Incident Report

October Security Incident Report October Security Incident Report

The following is the Security incident report for October. It has been edited for clarity and brevity.


•Oct. 7, 12:09 p.m., Mutual 11

A resident left the stovetop on and a box on top of the stove caught fire; smoke only.

• Oct. 21,11:54 a.m., Clubhouse 6

An alarm malfunctioned in the clubhouse.

•Oct. 24, 4:35 p.m., Mutual 2

A water heater’s alarm turned on; no fire or smoke.

•Oct. 31, 2:07 p.m., Mutual 11

A cardboard inside of a trash bin caught on fire. The fire was extinguished, but the heat damaged the bin.


• 44 sightings reported.


•Oct. 8, 10:03 a.m., Mutual 1

An unknown person removed a resident’s wagon from the carport.

•Oct. 23, 1:25 p.m., Mutual 6

An unknown person removed a resident’s ashtray that was located near the unit.

•Oct. 25, 12:01 p.m., Mutual 8

An unknown person removed cash from a resident’s safe.


•Oct. 13, 4 p.m., Mutual 11

A resident stated the paint peeling from her vehicle was due to acid.


•Oct. 11, 2:40 p.m., Mutual 6

A resident reported dogs on 20-foot leashes were running through the Mutual.


•Oct. 1, 11:30 a.m., North Gate

A driver struck a pole and fled the scene.

•Oct. 2, 7:30 a.m., Mutual 11

A driver struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

•Oct. 4, 10:17 p.m., Mutual 2

A driver struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

•Oct. 5, 7:30 a.m., Mutual 2

A resident discovered scratches on the rear of her parked vehicle.

•Oct. 6, 2:08 p.m., 1.8 Acres

A resident struck a metal dumpster.

• Oct. 11, 10:36 p.m., Mutual 10

An unknown person driving a vehicle struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

•Oct. 12, 3:19 p.m., Mutual 3

An unknown person driving a vehicle struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

• Oct. 17, 10:50 a.m., Mutual 10

An unknown person driving a vehicle struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.

•Oct. 18, 9:52 p.m., Mutual 6

A moving vehicle struck a parked vehicle; information was exchanged.

•Oct. 24, 12:55 p.m., Golden Rain Road/Burning Tree Lane A moving vehicle making a turn struck another moving vehicle.

•Oct. 27, 6:20 a.m., St. Andrew’s Gate A moving vehicle struck an open gate; no injuries reported.

•Oct. 31, 9:30 p.m., Mutual 7

An unknown person struck the rear bumper of a parked vehicle and fled the scene.


•Oct. 18, 6 p.m., Mutual 5

A resident complained about construction noise. No noise detected at the scene.

•Oct. 22, 7:40 p.m., Mutual 2

A resident complained of banging on the walls. No noise detected at the scene.

•Oct. 25, 11:56 p.m., Mutual 2

A resident reported a loud TV in a neighboring unit. The TV volume was lowered .

•Oct. 27, 12:38 a.m., Mutual 2

Ongoing issue with loud TV; no noise detected at the scene.


•Oct. 2, 5:05 p.m., Mutual 2

A resident fell while walking and was taken to the hospital.

•Oct. 4, 2:55 p.m., Mutual 8

A resident fell while walking and was transported to the hospital.

•Oct. 19, 12:11 p.m., Mutual 4

A resident was taken to the hospital after lifting tile.

•Oct. 24, 4:35 p.m., Mutual 7

A resident fell while walking but did not need transportation to the hospital.

•Oct. 24, 9:53 a.m., Mutual 7

A resident fell while walking but did not need transportation to the hospital.

•Oct. 25, 9:37 a.m., Mutual 6

A resident tripped over a curb but did not need transportation to the hospital..

•Oct. 29, 5:50 p.m., Mutual 1

A resident tripped on grass and was taken to the hospital.


• Oct. 11, 10:02 a.m., Mutual 14

A lost resident was safely returned home by Security.


•Oct. 2, 6:17 p.m., Mutual 3

Security assisted a Mutual director with informing a resident of a violation of the occupancy agreement.

•Oct. 3, 11 a.m., Mutual 3

Police asked for Security to come to the residence to assist family members.

•Oct. 4, 8:21 p.m., Mutual 2

Ongoing resident dispute involving multiple issues.

•Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m., Mutual 9

A resident complained that an unknown person placed bugs inside her residence.

•Oct. 11, 2:30 p.m., Mutual 6

A contractor was working without permit and ceased operations after being informed by Security.

•Oct. 20, 2 p.m., Mutual 1

Ongoing resident dispute regarding a variety of issues.

•Oct. 21, 12:10 a.m. and 2:05 p.m., Mutual 10

Ongoing resident dispute regarding a variety of issues.

•Oct. 26, 6:06 p.m., Mutual 14

Ongoing resident dispute regarding parking

•Oct. 26, 8:10 p.m., Mutual 9

A resident stated an unknown person cut the locks on his storage container. No property inside the container was missing.

•Oct. 26, 10:50 a.m., Mutual 3

A resident took exception to images found on parked vehicle.

•Oct. 30, 9:53 a.m., Mutual 1

A resident observed another resident taking photos of her unit.


Paramedic calls: 155 Theft: 3 Vandalism: 1 Traffic Incidents: 12 Death Investigations: 9 Lost Residents: 1 Injury: 7 Noise Complaints: 4 Fire Reports: 4 Pet Complaints: 1 Coyote Sightings: 44 Grand Total: 241

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