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Members enjoy the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures

Members enjoy the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures Members enjoy the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures


The Sunshine Club organized a successful bus trip for 56 community members to the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.

As people boarded the bus at 8 a.m. to leave for the museum, each guest received a sack lunch prepared by Sunshine Club volunteers with lots of treats such as chips, a candy bar, a power bar, water as well as sandwiches from Sprouts that were picked up at 7 a.m. and delivered by volunteer Henry Kim.

Anna Derby and her team of Sunshine Club volunteers always make these bus trips fun and exciting. Lynn Baidack and Susan Hopewell checked in all the guests before departure to make sure everyone was onboard as the adventure began.

Members arrived at the museum at about 10:30 a.m. and the first thing the group did was go to the fourth floor that has a large open patio-like area with a breathtaking view of the Los Angeles/Hollywood area, including the famous Hollywood sign, which turns 100 years old this year. Several photos taken of the group by the official photographer, Michael Oh.

After the picture taking was done, people went separate ways to explore the four floors of the interesting museum. The museum showcases different movies, artists, eras, genres and technologies of the movie industry. Some of the movies showcased were “Casablanca,” “The Godfather” and “Boys From the Hood.”

The group was asked to return to the bus by 3:45 p.m. As Lynn and Susan checked in each passenger as they boarded the bus, they celebrated that all 56 of members returned with time to spare. The driver was calm and patient as he maneuvered through the rush hour traffic and safely arrived home at 5:30 p.m. to a gorgeous Seal Beach sunset. A beautiful ending to a fun day.

The day proved to be a successful showcase of team effort.

— Cheryl Falconer and Susan Hopewell

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