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LW Pool Club basks in 46-41 competition win

LW Pool Club basks in 46-41 competition win LW Pool Club basks in 46-41 competition win

On Nov. 4, 17 LW Pool Club players traveled to Laguna Woods to play its pool team. Last May Laguna Woods came to Leisure World and won 25-23. This rematch resulted in the Leisure World team winning the match 46-41. At one point Leisure World held an 11 game lead. All matches were eight ball singles, with “A”, “B” and “C” players competing against each other.

“I believe one reason we did so well, playing a community more than twice our size, is that we have weekly competition in our Monday and Wednesday pool leagues. We have a lot of players working to improve their game,” said Dave Silva.

In the Monday league, The Renegades beat Joker’s Wild 8-5. Ren Villenueva and Guta Basner won both of their singles matches for the Renegades.

The Cue Commandos beat the Rustlers 8-5. Millie Larsen, subbing for the Cue Commandos, had a big night winning six games and both of her singles in 8 and 9 ball.

The Sharp Shooters edged the Cue Crew 7-6. Dennis Bedford was on his game for the Sharp Shooters winning six games. Bedford only lost his 8 ball singles.

With only one week left in the season Joker’s Wild holds a three game lead over the Cue Crew.

Th eWednesdayleaguewill be reported next week. — Dave Silva

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