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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

Nina Todorov charmed the audience with a bubbly tune, “Ob la Di Ob la Da,” at last week’s karaoke night. “Black Velvet” was a smooth number by Vinny Correnti. Eileen Merritt entertained the group with a beautiful song “Flowers.” Ellen Brannigan chose a meaningful gospel song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” Folks identified with Essie Hicks’ selection, “Yesterday When I Was Young.” A catchy tune, “Neon Moon,” was well done by Karen Morris. Edward Jablonski and Sally Glausser both sang popular showtunes. Susan Kelleghan and Elizabeth Butterfield harmonized singing “Does He Love You.” All told, 30 performers engaged audience members with a wide variety of songs.

Karaoke parties are each Wednesday evening beginning at 5:30 in Clubhouse 1. Everyone is welcome to socialize with friends and neighbors during an evening of music. Karaoke practice sessions on Mondays from 1-3 p.m. in Clubhouse 6 are popular for finetuning song selections.

—Margie Thompson

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