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Wa-Rite Wa-Rite

The Wa-Rite Club meets on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, from 9-10 a.m. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45 and are optional for visitors. The annual membership fee is $10. Weekly dues are 10 cents.

All female residents looking to improve their health are invited to join any of the club’s meetings by arriving no later than 8:45 a.m. and showing their GRF ID. New visitors can attend up to three meetings for free before joining the club on their third visit.

The club lost a total of 2.5 pounds the week ending Nov. 3, and a total of 37.5 pounds in October. There will be no meetings Nov. 24 and Dec. 22.

Lisa Brass wore two crowns at the clubs last meeting as the top loser with a half-pound weight loss, and the queen of October with an 8.5 pounds total weight loss. She attributed her double success to intermittent fasting by having her first meal at 10 a.m. and last by 6 p.m. Brass was also the winner of the lucky bag drawing.

The funny money contest ends Nov. 10, and each member’s pumpkin decorations will determine the amount of funny money they’ll get to purchase donated gift items at Dec. 8 Christmas auction.

On Dec. 15 the club will have a Christmas party and awards ceremony for current members who have weighed in since September. The club’s last meeting of the year is Dec. 29.

—Judy Chambers

Lisa Brass

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