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Try a fun alternative to the gym with Zumba Club

Try a fun alternative to the gym with Zumba Club Try a fun alternative to the gym with Zumba Club

Zumba Club meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. in the Fitness Center and on Fridays at 8:30 a.m. in Veterans Plaza.

Last week, club members celebrated Halloween by dressing up and dancing to the “Monster Mash,” “Thriller,” “Ghost Busters” and more.

Aside from being good for all ages, zumba is a fun dancing workout that may improve coordination, balance and increase strength in older adults. It is a great low-impact cardio for people looking to improve their heart health and boost confidence, and may reduce arthritis over time.

—Peggy Beste

Members of the Zumba Club shared Halloween spirit through costumes and dancing.

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