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Traveling Tigers

Traveling Tigers Traveling Tigers

The Traveling Tigers will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at noon in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The meeting will begin with a potluck. People should bring a dish to share and, if possible, their own plates, silverware and coffee cup.

There will be a short business meeting at 1 where members will discuss next year’s officers and the club’s holiday party in December. The club’s guest speakers this month will be experienced travelers, Linda and Fred Fenton. They will discuss their trip to Scotland as an example of the many advantages of self-planned travel, emphasizing reduced costs and the freedom to pursue personal interests.

Members will learn how to create tailor-made itineraries that focus on seeing the world at their own pace and not be limited by a group tour.

Linda and Fred Fenton at Dumfries House, Scotland.

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